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Saturday, September 14, 2013

September 14th, 2013

Today is a Saturday, but I figured I'd post some thoughts I have on the market as of late.

I keep expecting the market to make a down move just because A) September is historically the worst month on the stock market and B) According to the "market calendar" I follow, September is supposed to be a down month after the 10th with some buying opportunities presenting themselves toward the end of the month.

So far things have been up, up, and up some more.  The Fed is expected to announce their tapering plans for their bond buying program at the conclusion of a 2 day meeting on Wednesday, September 18th.  Given how the markets reacted to even slight whispers of Fed plans back in the summer, I'm sure the markets will have some sort of reaction.  Whether this reaction is up or down, though, depends on what the Fed announces and how they announce it.

I think it's good long term, because they've been pumping so much "heroin" into the market with this bond buying that the market has become high and addicted to it.

Additionally, the US has come to an agreement with Russia for a peaceful resolution to the disarmament of Syria's chemical weapons cache, at the behest of Vladimir Putin.  One week ago we were beating the drums of war, and now we've reached a peaceful resolution.  This will certainly bode well for the market, seeing as it was showing some weakness at the mention of war a few weeks ago.

On the whole not a whole lot else going on.  There are some signs of economic weakness popping up such as weakening consumer sentiment, and also weakening in job creation.  We continue to create low paying "hamburger flipper" jobs, while good paying jobs seem to be getting more and more scarce.  This is quickly turning into a nation of kings and paupers.

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